台北駐大阪経済文化弁事処主催の 中華民国(台湾)108年國慶日祝賀レセプションに参加しました |
中華民国国歌の歌唱に続き、新たに就任された台北駐日経済文化代表処代表 李世丙氏が開会の挨拶を述べられました。 また、来賓を代表して衆議院議員 の森山浩行氏(立憲民主党)、大阪日華親善協会 理事長 四方修氏が祝辞を述べられました。
乾杯のあとは来賓紹介、祝電披露と続き、伝統舞踊と伝統楽器の演奏を鑑賞しました。 中華料理や大阪のグルメの他、台湾のタピオカミルクティーが人気を集めて会場は盛り上がりました。
Participation in the Reception Party Celebrating the 108th National day of the Republic of China (China).
Friday, October 4th, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka held a reception party at THE WESTIN OSAKA to celebrate the 108th National day of the Republic of China (Taiwan). We participated in the event.
After singing the national anthem of Taiwan, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka, Mr. Shyh-Bing Lee gave a greeting speech. He was followed by gratulatory words from some the present guests including but not limited to Member of the House of Representatives Mr. Hiroyuki Moriyama, or Chairman of the Japanese-Taiwan Friendship Association in Osaka, Mr. Osamu Shikata.
After a toast, the guests of honor where introduced, as were the congratulatory messages. The event furthermore featured a stage of traditional Taiwanese dance and music performances. The served food consisted of local Taiwanese specialties as well as local specialty dishes from Osaka. A long queue could be found in front of the Tapioca milk tea stand.
With approximately 350 guests it was a well-visited event. The guests included representatives from the prefectural governments of the Kansai region as well as governors and other local politicians.

中華民国国歌の歌唱に続き、新たに就任された台北駐日経済文化代表処代表 李世丙氏が開会の挨拶を述べられました。 また、来賓を代表して衆議院議員 の森山浩行氏(立憲民主党)、大阪日華親善協会 理事長 四方修氏が祝辞を述べられました。
乾杯のあとは来賓紹介、祝電披露と続き、伝統舞踊と伝統楽器の演奏を鑑賞しました。 中華料理や大阪のグルメの他、台湾のタピオカミルクティーが人気を集めて会場は盛り上がりました。

Participation in the Reception Party Celebrating the 108th National day of the Republic of China (China).
Friday, October 4th, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka held a reception party at THE WESTIN OSAKA to celebrate the 108th National day of the Republic of China (Taiwan). We participated in the event.
After singing the national anthem of Taiwan, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka, Mr. Shyh-Bing Lee gave a greeting speech. He was followed by gratulatory words from some the present guests including but not limited to Member of the House of Representatives Mr. Hiroyuki Moriyama, or Chairman of the Japanese-Taiwan Friendship Association in Osaka, Mr. Osamu Shikata.
After a toast, the guests of honor where introduced, as were the congratulatory messages. The event furthermore featured a stage of traditional Taiwanese dance and music performances. The served food consisted of local Taiwanese specialties as well as local specialty dishes from Osaka. A long queue could be found in front of the Tapioca milk tea stand.
With approximately 350 guests it was a well-visited event. The guests included representatives from the prefectural governments of the Kansai region as well as governors and other local politicians.