駐大阪・神戸米国総領事館にて開催された日米国際協力シンポジウムに参加しました |

4月18日(木)に駐大阪・神戸米国総領事館にて開催された日米国際協力シンポジウムに参加致しました。 「関西経済とアメリカ:新時代における繁栄のフレームワーク」をテーマに、講師のサトゥ・メリイェ氏の講演があり、講演後は参加者同士の交流会が行われました。
講師のサトゥ・メリイェ氏は、米ホノルル市を拠点するイースト・ウエスト・センターのワシントン支部のディレクターであり、「Asia Matters for America」イニシアチブを作成・指揮し、広報誌「Asia Pacific Bulletin」の編集に携わっています。今回の講演では、主に「Asia Matters for America」イニシアチブの研究やその結果について説明が行われ、日米関係における関西の役割や重要性に焦点がおかれました。
Participation in Japanese-American International Cooperation Symposium.
On Thursday, April 18, we participated in the Japanese-American International Cooperation Symposium that was held at the American Consulate General in Osaka, Kobe. Topic of the symposium was “How Kansai Matters for U.S.-Japan Relations: Trade, Investment, and People-To-People Ties” and the main lecture was given by Mr. Satu Limaye, Director of the East-West Center in Washington. After the lecture, an exchange meeting between the participants took place.
The growing importance of the Japanese-American relations for the current international situation and the situation in the Indo-Pacific area, form the background of this time’s symposium. The Japanese-American relations are marked by the growing numbers in trade or investment, as well as by the deepening of exchange between the people of both countries in various fields. Especially, Osaka and Hyogo have taken a leading role in the Kansai region as pioneers for a close and healthy relationship between Japan and the U.S.
Satu Limaye is the director of the East-West Center in Washington and has started the “Asia Matters for America” Initiative which he is still supervising. He also is involved in the editing of the Information Paper “Asia Pacific Bulletin”. During the symposium, he presented the research and results of the “Asia Matters for America” Initiative, while focusing on the import role of Kansai for the Japanese-American relations.
The symposium was visited by approximately 50 participants, including the host Karen Kelley, consulate-general of the United states in Osaka-Kobe, as well as local representatives from educational institutions, corporations or media. The discussion and exchange meeting after the lecture took a lively turn.