当財団のインターンシップツアーが日本・カンボジア友好65周年事業に認定されました |

2018年は日・カンボジアの友好65周年にあたり、日本アジア振興財団のスタディツアー型インターンシップは在カンボジア日本国大使館から「日・カンボジア友好65周年事業」に認定されました。 2018年に実施する4つのインターンシップは全て日カンボジア友好65周年事業として行われることになります。当財団では今後とも日本とカンボジアの友好や交流をさらに深めていけるような活動を進めて参りたいと思います。
Our internship has been approved as 65th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan & Cambodia anniversary project
JAPF has been holding its internship activities for over 10 years and more than 800 students have so far participated in this project. Together with embassies, consulates, the department of tourism, local companies or various institutions, we plan an internship program, that makes it possible for the participants to get to know the real south-east Asia.
Moreover, 2018 marks the 65th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan & Cambodia and celebrating this big event, the embassy of Japan in Cambodia has approved our internship activities as anniversary project. All four internship schedules this year will be hold under the title “65th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan & Cambodia Anniversary Project” and we at JAPF will strengthen our efforts to further deepen the friendly exchange between Japan and Cambodia.