外務省特命全権大使(関西担当)の懇親会に参加しました |

乾杯の音頭は関西領事団団長のRafael Aparicioが執られ、前任 関西担当大使 鈴木 庸一 氏がご挨拶として、任期中にサポートしてくださった方々へのお礼を述べられました。 また、特任全権大使(関西担当)石川 和秀 氏 のご挨拶では、国際交流において関西地域が非常に重要な役割を担っていることを強調されました。
その後、 モンゴルの伝統的な音楽の演奏をもって閉会となりました。
Participation in the welcome reception for the newly-appointed Ambassasor for Kansai
Tuesday, December 12, our members have participated in the reception party that was held by the Ministry of foreign affairs on occasion of the appointment of the new Ambassasor for Kansai. The reception took place at the Righa Royal Hotel Osaka.
It was a well-visited event at which representatives of the various consulates of the Kansai area, as well as from international organizations assembled.
The welcome speech was held by the former ambassador Mr. Suzuki, followed by greetings from new ambassador Mr. Ishikawa. Representing the Kansai Consulate Corps, a toast was held by Mr. Rafael Aparicio.
The event closed with the performance of traditional Mongolian music.