共に亡き国王を偲ぶ-「タイ王国国家の日及びプミポン前国王生誕記念レセプション」 |

乾杯の音頭は外務省大阪分室室長の浅野尚未氏が執られ、タイ王国大阪総領事館 総領事Munin Paniswasdi氏のご挨拶では、 タイ王国にとって日本との友好関係が非常に重要であることを強調されました。
その他、大阪府知事 松井 一郎氏からメッセージーがあり、 タイ王国・日本両国の国歌斉唱をもって閉会となりました。
Participation in the reception party for the national Day of Thailand
Tuesday, December 5, our members have participated in the reception party that was held by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Thailand on occasion of the Kingdoms National Day. The reception took place at the Imperial Hotel Osaka.
It was a well-visited event at which representatives of the various consulates of the Kansai area, as well as from organizations and companies that are working related with Thailand assembled.
The welcome speech was held by the newly-installed Consul general Mr. Munin Paniswasdi. It was followed by a message from the governor of Osaka Prefecture Mr. Matsui. Finally, Representative of the Osaka Office of the Japanese Department of Foreign affairs Ms. Asano held a toast.
After singing both national anthems the participating guests enjoyed Thai food and international exchange with other guests.