中華民国(台灣)106年國慶酒會に参加しました |

日本及び台湾両国の国歌演奏に続いて、台北駐大阪經濟文化辦事處長 陳 訓養氏のご挨拶があり、 台湾の経済成長を紹介し、台湾にとって日本との友好関係が非常に重要であることを強調しました。
その他、前衆議院議員 佐藤 章氏 からご挨拶があり、京都市会議長 寺田 一博氏が乾杯の音頭を取られました。
Participation in the celebrations for the 106th national day of the Republic of China (ROC – Taiwan)
Friday, October 6, 2017, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka held a reception party to celebrate the 106th National Day of the Republic of China (below: Taiwan). The reception was held at the Westin Hotel Osaka and was visited by many participants: politicians and people who work in the field of exchange between Japan and Taiwan. Director of board Matsuoka had received an invitation and participated together with a member of staff.
After unitedly singing the national anthems of Japan and Taiwan, Chief officer of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Osaka Mr. Chen greeted the assembled participants. He talked about the rapid and promising growth of Taiwan and its place in the world. He also emphasized the importance of the good relationship between Japan and Taiwan.
Afterwards, ex-member of the house of representatives Mr. Sato held a speech, too and finally Chairperson of the Kyoto City Assembly Mr. Terada, gave a toast.
The reception was held in form of a buffet party and the assembled people enjoyed Taiwanese food while they exchanged their opinions and did networking. It was a well-visited event which ended in a positive and friendly atmosphere.