

冒頭、駐大阪大韓民国総領事館 河 泰 允(ハ テユン)総領事より、「2017年は世界各国で新しい代表者が選ばれ、世界情勢が変化していく年になると思いますが、韓国同胞社会がお互いに話し合い、助け合い、共に発展していく一年になることを願います。」と新年の祝辞を述べられ、続いて、民団大阪、民団京都、民団奈良、民団和歌山、民団滋賀それぞれの代表者様より新年の祝辞が述べられました。
その後、立食形式で出席者の方々それぞれ歓談し、河 泰 允総領事と記念写真などを撮影し、新年交流会は和やかな雰囲気の中終了しました。

The members of JAPF participated in the New Year’s Party of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea held its annual New Year’s Party at the 5th January 2017. The event was well visited by around 250 representatives of Korean and Japanese organizations as well as members of various companies of both countries.

First, Consul General Mr. Ha Tae-yun greeted the assembled members with the words: “In 2017 there will be new leaders elected in many countries. It will certainly be a year that brings many changes. However, the people of Korea and Japan will keep on exchanging and communing, helping each other out, and together we will make it a year of process for both countries.”
After this positive words we received also words of greeting from representatives of the Korean settlement organizations from the prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama and Shiga.

Following up on the formal greetings we participated in the buffet party, where participants talked freely and took pictures with Consul General Ha. The event finished in a peaceful friendly manner.