ベトナム社会主義共和国建国71周年記念式典に参加致しました。 |
式典はTran Duc Binh総領事の挨拶で始まりました。Tran Duc Binh総領事は挨拶の中で、日本とベトナムの交流について中心に語り、熱意が込もったお話をされました。来賓挨拶として滋賀県知事の三日月知事も来られ、本年度から開催した学生交流事業を紹介しました。また、三日月知事はベトナムからの観光客の増加や滋賀県とベトナムとのビジネス関係も含めた交流の増加についてのお話しをされました。
今回の式典では、Tran Duc Binh総領事や様々なベトナム人と今後の日本とベトナムの関わり方についてのお話しができ、非常に貴重な時間となりました。
About the participation to the reception of the 71th Anniversary of the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
At September 1st, the Consulate of the socialist republic of Vietnam in Osaka, held a reception party at the Imperial Hotel to celebrate the 71th anniversary of the national day of Vietnam. In 1945 at the 2nd of September the independence of Vietnam was proclaimed in Ho Chi Minh City and this year we are able to celebrate the 71th anniversary of this event.
The opening greetings were -next to the consul general himself – held by the governer of Shiga prefecture. All speakers put an emphasis on the strong friendship between Japan and Vietnam and introduced exchange projects like exchange program for high school students or business partners.
Having a long history of friendship with the Vietnamese consulate, that is nominally supporting our internship program, board chairman Hirotaka Matsuoka also participated in this event. In 10 years of internships, our foundation has sent more than 750 students to south-east Asian countries like Vietnam.
However, lately the trend seems to shift and more and more Vietnamese exchange students and tourists visit Japan. This year’s reception was a good opportunity to exchange opinions not only with Consul General Tran Duc Binh, but also with many other Vietnamese people or people connected to Japan.