フィリピン共和国政府観光省西日本代表のアラチェリC.ソリアーンの送別会に参加致しました |

2月10日(火)にフィリピン共和国政府観光省大阪事務所で行われたレセプションパーティーに、参加させて頂きました。松岡広隆代表理事、日本アジア振興財団の職員、「フィリピン チャレンジ プロジェクト」の学生スタッフというメンバーで伺いしました。
フィリピン チャレンジ プロジェクトのメンバーが企画しているスタディツアーでも、公的機関に訪れることが多くあり、学び楽しめるようになっているという声を頂きました。
フィリピンの観光省の後援とぼてぢゅう国際交流基金のサポートで、2015年2月21日(土)から8日間のスタディツアーを行うことになり、フィリピン チャレンジ プロジェクトの学生スタッフと日本各地方の学生が第一期生として参加します。2015年2月28日(土)の帰国後でもフィリピンと日本の交流のための活動を続きたいということで、2015年夏期のツアーを準備することはもちろん、他にも国内のイベントを企画しています。
フィリピン チャレンジ プロジェクトの団体概要・事業説明に関しては、 https://www.japf.or.jp/activities/internship2/philippines/ ご覧下さい。
Participation in the farewell party of Araceli C. Soriano, Attaché and Tourism Director for West Japan
At the 10th of February a reception party was held at the Department of Tourism of the Republic of the Philippines in Osaka. The students of the “Philippine Challenge Project”, Chief Commissioner Hirotaka Matsuoka and the person in charge of the Philippine project participated in this event.
The study tour planned by the Philippine Challenge Project is receiving the support of the Department of Tourism, which is why we were able to develop a deep friendship to the Representative of the Office in Osaka, Ms. Soriano. That night’s event happened to be the birthday party of Ms. Soriano as well as her farewell party, because she will be leaving Japan to continue her duties for the Department of Tourism at the Philippines. At the event there were representatives from various fields and talking to them made the participating students understand and feel the rich connections between the Philippines and Japan anew.
Additionally will the students of the project be able to visit a lot of official and governmental institutions at the Philippines as well and this first contact to that still unknown world has made the upcoming visits become even more exciting, so some of the students said.
With the support of the Department of Tourism and the sponsorship of the Botejyu International Exchange Fund the first study trip of the Philippine Challenge Project will start at the 21st of February 2015. The students who planned this very tour and other students from all over Japan will be visiting the Philippines for 8 days and study at various fields. After their return to Japan at the 28th are the students planning to continue the activities aimed to strengthen the exchange between the Philippines and Japan. That is why they are not only already thinking about this summer’s study tour, but are also planning some other projects inside Japan.