2016年京都ヒストリカ国際映画祭でのVIPアテンドのご報告 |
ショーブ様は、2016年11月2日から開催されている第八回京都ヒストリカ国際映画祭にゲストとして参加し、インド映画として大ヒットした『Baahubali:The Beginning』を日本のオーディエンスに紹介しました。また、ショーブ様は「時代劇」についてのプログラムに参加したり、東映京都撮影所などで行っている「京都フィルムメーカーズラボ」で映画制作を学ぶ参加者に対してのレクチャーも行ったりしました。
Receiving a request from the organization, a staff of the international department of the Japan Asia Promotion Foundation was attending to the needs of the VIP guest Mr. Shobu Yarlagadda from India. Mr. Shobu visited Kyoto as a guest of the 8th Kyoto Historica International Film Festival, because his movie “Baahubali: The Beginning” was shown during the Festival.
The movie has already received much attention as first movie ever to be a success all over India and it was presented at various international film festivals like Busan or Cannes and was the secret favourite of this festival as well. As producer and CEO of Arka Mediaworks, the leading TV and Movie Production Company in Hyderabad, that created this movie Mr. Shobu was visiting Kyoto from the 1st of November and participated in a broad program until the 3rd of November. As a special guest he not only attended to a program around the topic of Japanese historical costume films called “jidaigeki”, but he also took it in his hands to talk to young film students at the “Kyoto Film Makers Lab” that is held among other places at the Toei Studios himself.
In this time, our staff attended to Mr. Shobu’s needs and translated for him at business meetings or the visits of film studios.
For more information about the Film Festival visit: http://www.historica-kyoto.com/
一般財団法人 日本アジア振興財団